Anime Hop - 12 November 2024

To a kind Korean Xinisupreme fan

After releasing my debut album, I was bullied by local musicians in my area. Although my debut album wasn't a big hit, it was highly praised by the most hardcore music listeners around the world, so the local musicians became jealous and targeted me for bullying. The people around them turned a blind eye to their bullying of me. So, I stopped performing in public. Later, when I confessed about this at a certain place at a certain time, a Korean Xinisupreme fan bravely encouraged me with a comment in Japanese, even though the musicians who were bullying me might have been watching.

When I was a child, there was an anime theme song that I often sang while walking home from school, and it had lyrics like this: "Ah, but if the love is not there in your heart, Then, you sure ain't no superhero."

It is neither love nor great for the strong to bully the weak as a group. To me, you are the superhero in that anime theme song. So, I thought I would repay you with music that carries the same message as those lyrics I loved as a child, and I created seven hip-hop tracks. Additionally, seven rappers belonging to the most bullied races and those of low status in history, such as witches, aliens, loners, psychics, no curves, enhanced humans, and devils, each rapped on these seven hip-hop tracks. The last track on the album is a remake of the only love song I ever created, "Seaside Voice Guitar." I couldn't make it in time for this spring, but if you like, please listen to it next spring.

Thank you for trying to save me from being bullied.

한 명의 친절한 한국 xinisupreme 팬에게

나는 데뷔 앨범을 발매한 후, 내가 살고 있는 지역의 음악가들에게 괴롭힘을 당했습니다. 내 데뷔 앨범은 대히트는 아니었지만, 전 세계에서 가장 하드코어한 음악 청취자들로부터 높은 평가를 받았기 때문에, 지역 음악가들은 나에게 질투를 느끼고 괴롭힘의 대상으로 삼았습니다. 주변 사람들은 그들의 괴롭힘을 보고도 모른 척 했습니다. 그래서 나는 사람들 앞에 나서는 것을 그만두었습니다. 그 후 어느 자리에서 이 사실을 털어놓았을 때, 저를 괴롭히던 뮤지션들이 지켜보고 있을지도 모르는 상황에서 한 한국인 Xinlisupreme 팬이 용감하게도 일본어로 댓글을 달아 격려해 주었습니다.

제가 어렸을 때 학교에서 돌아오는 길에 자주 부르던 애니메이션 주제가가 있었는데, 그 노래에는 이런 가사가 있었습니다. "아, 하지만 마음속에 사랑이 없다면, 당신은 확실히 슈퍼히어로가 아닙니다."

강자가 집단으로 약자를 괴롭히는 것은 위대함도 사랑도 아니다. 나에게 너는 그 애니메이션 주제가에 나오는 슈퍼히어로야. 그래서 나는 어렸을 때 좋아했던 그 노래의 가사와 같은 메시지를 담은 음악으로 당신에게 보답하고 싶어서 7개의 힙합 트랙을 만들었습니다. 그 후, 그리고 마녀, 외계인, 에스라인 아닌 사람, 초능력자, 외로운 사람, 강화 인간, 악마 등 역사상 가장 괴롭힘을 당한 인종과 신분이 낮은 사람들에 속하는 7명의 래퍼들이 그 7개의 힙합 트랙 위에서 각각 랩을 했습니다. 그리고 앨범의 마지막 곡은 제가 만든 유일한 러브송인 Seaside Voice Guitar를 리메이크한 곡입니다. 올해 봄에는 맞추지 못했지만, 내년 봄에 괜찮다면 들어주세요.

나를 괴롭힘에서 구해주셔서 감사합니다.

Interview w/ Xinlisupreme
By Nick Caceres

Published 12/24/2024

I Am Not Shinzo Abe - 18 March 2018

Two years ago, Japanese record label canceled the production of Xinlisupreme`s works and terminated the contract with Xinlisupreme because Xinlisupreme created a protest song 'I Am Not Shinzo Abe' to criticize Shinzo Abe, a prime minister of Japan. It has now become a taboo in Japan to criticize Shinzo Abe in music and other creative activities. In 2015, Southern All Stars, a popular band in Japan, was made to apologize for publically ridiculing him on TV.  Also in 2016, there were fierce repercussions on the internet against the appearance of Aki Okuda, a leader of SEALDs, a student group to protest against Shinzo Abe, in the Fuji Rock, the biggest music festival in Japan. Even the phrase 'Do not politicize music' became a top trend on Japan's twitter. We all have the right to freedom of expression when criticizing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, an extreme right-wing politician who allows discrimination, social gaps and nuclear power plants.
With this Album, Xinlisupreme want to criticize Shinzo Abe and also change the atmosphere of the Japanese society which does not allow music to become political. Xinlisupreme hope is that this album will stimulate a discussion for the change.

Tomorrow Never Comes - 28 January 2002

Short Story "The Xinli Incident" by Andrew Weatherall
(Liner Note of Tomorrow Never Comes)

The detective in the passenger seat, with a single self-assured action, flashed his warrant card and asked directions. "Twenty-third floor sir... Out of the lift and turn left - you can't miss it... Terrible mess and not very pretty at all, I can tell you..." With that the barrier lifted and the car headed toward the executive parking area of I.D.M. Industries. The lift made a silent journey to the 23rd floor, and on exiting and turning left, the two detectives immediately saw the reasons for their being there. The scene of the crime lay trough an open doorway emitting occasional puffs of smoke and wafts of shimmering vapour. Reaching into the pockets of their elegant yet provocatively conservative black coats the two men pulled out state-of-the-art gas masks, and donning them walked across the corridor. Standing just inside the room, on the only patch of floor not covered in broken machinery or bubbling liquid, Her Majesty's finest surveyed the scene. What was once a hyper-sterile working environment had been
turned into a mass of shredded wires, smashed samplers, smouldering laptops and shattered zip-discs. The laboratory once used to manufacture electronic music for earnest sixth-formers around the world was now a digital funeral pyre. "I've not see anything like this since the Prog-Rock studio trashings of '76", said detective number one, the words turning metallic as they made their way trough the gas mask's filter. "Let's leave it to forensics", replied number two as they both backed slowly out of the room, pulling the door shut behind them. As it clicked shut had anybody been left inside they would have seen the back of the door reveal, in still dripping painted letters, the words...

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